Manual for Andrew Durdin's Sopwith Map Editor This program is a terrain editor for Sopwith II. It requires SOPWITH2.EXE to be in the same directory (or folder), or it will bomb with an error message. The program was written with QuickBasic 4.5; source code is included for anyone who wants to modify it; the source code is mostly compatible with QBasic (that comes with DOS 5.0 and up, and is on the Win9x CD), but to run it with QBasic you will need to use the code in INT.ZIP, which allows interrupt calls to be used from QBasic. The basic usage of the program is: - ESC: exits, without saving the land. - Clicking in the main area of the screen will modify the land. - Clicking on the map in the bottom corner will show a different portion of the land that can then be edited. - F2 saves the current land; you will be prompted to type a name, which should NOT include an extension, and should contain no more than eight letters (e.g. if you type "foo", the land will be saved in "foo.exe" in the same directory). - F3 will load land from a file: again you will be asked for a name, no more than eight letters. That's about it. You can write to me ( asking about the editor, but I will make no further changes to it, as I am currently writing from scratch a much improved editor; I will make an announcement on and on when it becomes available.